The Red Rose
The Red Rose, is a French comedy film from 1951, directed by Marcello Pagliero, written by Robert Scipion, starring by Françoise Arnoul and Louis de Funès. The French title of the film – "La Rose rouge".[1]
- Françoise Arnoul : Martine, from the troops in Yves
- Louis de Funès : Manito, the poet
- Les Frères Jacques : themselves: André Bellec, Georges Bellec, François Soubeyran, Paul Tourenne
- Yves Deniaud : Albert, director
- Dora Doll : Evelyne Dorsey, the star of cinema
- Yves Robert : Yves Gérard, le remplaçant avec sa troupe des Frères Jacques
- Maurice Teynac : Jean Maréchal, the film-maker
- Barbara Laage : Claire Claris, photographer
- Philippe Olive : Mr Matignon, the producer of Evelyne
- Jean-Roger Caussimon : the man of the bar
- Jacques Hilling : Mr Guillet from the troops in Yves
- Edmond Tamiz : Mr Garone from the troops in Yves
- Geneviève Morel : La dame du vestiaire
- Maurice Regamey : Le guide touristique
- Nico : the director of the « La Rose Rouge »
- Maurice Dorléac : the cashier
- Grégoire Gromoff : the tourist photographer
- Marcel Pagliero : himself
- Robert Scipion : himself
- Guy Pierrault : a man from the troops in Yves
- Jean Bellanger : a man from the troops in Yves
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